Tuesday, December 28, 2010

HBMDC Tracking Event

I'm a little behind on the blog, so I'll upload a few pictures today. Last month we attended a tracking seminar with the HBMDC. It was a lot of fun, and definitely something we're intereted in doing with our dogs in the future. Pictures of the seminar:

There were puppies there to socialize and play with:

For a while I thought Jackson was a tracking genuis until he ran straight past the end article, and I realized he just wanted to pee on the haybale that happened to be 10 feet past the end of his track. He may stick to obedience for a while.

Lemon is actually our little tracking genius, or she will be with some training. I think it is a good activity for her to do with Chris. She always has her little nose on the ground sniffing out something, so perhaps this is something she will persue in the future.

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