Saturday, March 14, 2009

Making Progress...

Once again, it has been a while since the last post, so lots of new pictures. Lemon went to the vet on Thursday and weighed 18lbs, doubled in weight since we brought her home. Just this weekend she seems to FINALLY be getting potty training. I think part of it is that she has learned to walk down the two steps to the backyard, so instead of getting carried to the potty spot, she walks herself. It seems to have made it kick in to her brain where the potty spot actually is, and she is going to the door now when she has to potty! Pictures...

Lemon with her Papa:

Helping Papa with the laundry room trim:

How cute is this?

Beautiful boy:

Everyone hanging out in the yard:

Hilga's classic pose:

Jackson hanging out with Uncle Spencer:

Lemon snuggling up with Jackson:

Puppy play:

The best natural pose ever, I only wish I could have gotten closer before she moved!


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